Monday, December 13, 2010

a hug is all it takes..:)

 it was time for me to visit the AOL centre. the thought of visiting the place made me smile from inside because i knew that that place is my sanctuary, where i can connect... i can be myself...determined i went there on a satsang day( satsang means good company...when we go to satsang we chant the lords name).

it was so rejuvanating. and i met so many amazing people. there was amit bhaiya, shubhra bhabhi, basant bhaiya, neha and so many awesome people!!!! i felt blissed!!!and the satsang ended so fast...:( was time to go...i did not want to leave... i wanted to spend time with them...somehow those people felt different...they were not wearing any masks...they were what they were...and it felt so calm and peaceful around the end of satsang everyone hugs everyone...especially the newcomer...and so i got hugs from everyone...:)...i felt happy, light and elated from my heart...and so me, neha and anish went out to go home. neha is this beautiful girl...believe it or not she is intelligent too, the proof of which is the fact that she is doing her phd... she is always smiling...she is always doing some chatar chatar patar was fun to be around her...always jumping like a is so much fun to tease her...she always gives these naughty reactions when we tease her...she kept on speaking and did not give any chance to me to speak!!!but who wanted to speak?? i just wanted to listen to her...neha's train was 3 mins away and mine was after was time to bid goodbye. i told her that all these days i was feeling so alone and when she hugged i felt awesome...she smiled, looked at me and she gave me a nice and warm hug...

 and her train came and with the childish smile she hopped on the train and left...and i stood there...
in that moment i dont know what happened... but a lot of feelings overtook me... i was drawn into some void and droplets of tears rolled down my cheeks...and there i new york city, in the subway standing on the platform and or two people started me, its a rare sight to see a guy cry...i dont know what had happened to me...what overcame me, but there i was standing...

that hug said a lot of said whatever happens dont worry i will be there for you...whenever you need a friend i am there!!! it was reassuring and sweet mixed with a tinge of warmth...her look was piercing...i felt like she could look inside my heart and see what i had gone through and what had i been doing all these days... i couldn't forget that moment for a long time...someone hugging is not a big deal..i know that...but that moment got stuck in my mind...maybe it was the empathy which she had for me...or maybe it was the divine love which all of them was something...because when i returned home i was all smiles...the whole night the only thing that i did was smile...when i was cooking i was smiling...when i was talking in my home i was smiling...hell i even studied with a smile!!

and perhaps at that moment i learnt a valuable lesson...a hug from neha is all it takes!!!
thank you neha!!!
jai gurudev

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